【同义词辨析】 2017-05-02 模仿copy-mock

copy: suggests the duplicating of an original as closely as possible: ~ied the painting and sold the fake as an original.     (copy作名词时 1、复制品复印件副本,特别是文件或艺术品a thing made to be the same as something else, especially a file or a work of art,如a copy of the report/receipt/file/disk报告/收据/文件副本/磁盘拷贝,如the paintings at the museum are originals, not copies博物馆油画是原作不是复制品 2、书报杂志专辑等的一本一册一份one of the many books, magazines, albums, DVDs, etc., that are made exactly the same and sold or given to the public,如the novel has sold more than a million copies小说卖了超过一百万(本),a copy of The People's Daily/our catalog一份人民日报/目录 3、稿件文稿written material for a newspaper, advertisement, etc., 如this will make great copy for the advertisement这是绝妙广告,如the reporter's copy记者的稿件或新闻稿)   作动词表示复制临摹抄写抄袭,如copy a file/folder拷贝文件/夹,如they copied the designs from those on Greek vases他们临摹希腊花瓶图案,如the speech was copied word for word完全抄袭,we caught him copying answers from the book/her in the exam抓到他考试抄袭课本/同学答案,如he copied the idea抄袭想法    copycat是儿童用语,指无主见的模仿者抄袭者

imitate: suggests the following of a model or a pattern but may allow for some variation and may imply inferiority in the product: ~ a poet's style.   如谚语imitation is the sincerest form of flattery模仿是最诚挚的恭维, flattery是insincere praise吹嘘拍马,用sincere修饰后变褒义   (imitate指模仿优秀成熟自然的人物,如本例诗人的风格,如children learn by imitation孩子学习是通过模仿大人,art imitates nature艺术模仿大自然,如she can imitate the calls of many birds可以模仿多种鸟叫)        model模型模范榜样,表示值得模仿worthy of imitation  pattern模式,表示一个典型或原型implies a archetype or prototype,两词都在2018-11-01 模范model-ideal组

mimic: implies a close copying (as of voice or mannerism) often for fun, ridicule, or lifelike simulation: pupils ~ their teacher.     mimic主要有2个意思 1、为了幽默取笑而模仿to copy something especially for humor,如本例模仿老师,如he mimicked her accent模仿她的口音,she has a talent for mimicking people善于模仿人的天赋,作名词表示善于模仿的人,如上句=she is a talented mimic 2、模拟仿效仿真to have the appearance or effect of something,如a butterfly that mimics a leaf仿叶蝶,the light mimics natural sunlight仿光灯,如a mimic warfare模拟战争,如the robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements机器人按程序设计模仿人的一系列动作,don't try to mimic anybody, you have to be yourself if you are going to do your best不要试图仿效任何人,你要想做到最好,就得做自己)

ape: may suggest presumptuous, slavish, or inept imitating of a superior original: American fashion designers ~d their European colleagues.   slavish盲从的奴性的

mock: usually implies imitation, particularly of sounds or movements, with derisive intent: ~ing a vain man's manner.     mock anger/surprise/trial假装愤怒/惊讶/模拟庭审 mocks模拟考试she went from a D in her mocks to a B in the real thing模拟考试得了D,实际却拿了B)   mock还表示取笑,如通过模仿to laugh at in a hurtful,the children's cruel mockery of each other无情取笑对方    vain这里不是无用,而是爱慕虚荣的

copy复制抄袭模仿: 指尽可能逼真复制原版(original最初的原版),imitate模仿: 表示模仿(follow跟随即模仿)榜样模式,通常不及原版优秀,mimic模仿模拟: 指模仿声音动作,为了幽默取笑仿真,ape拙劣模仿: 指自以为是盲目拙劣地模仿(presumptuous,slavish,inept imitating),mock模仿: 指模仿声音动作,为了嘲笑(这里的derive比mimic的ridicule严重,在2017-11-10 讥讽ridicule-twit)

记忆方法: 1)首字母排序成MAIM Creativity损害创新<==模仿    "仿"是形声字,从人从方,方亦声。"方"意为"邦国"。人与方联合起来表示"邦国人",即本国同胞、本地老乡。本义是1、言语、服饰、饮食习俗、血统等多方面相同相似的一群人,如相仿仿佛仿如   引申为2、效法,照样做,如仿效仿古仿冒仿宋,如本组模仿     (main的意思是暴力损害损坏四肢,严重伤害,如a swimmer maimed by a shark被鲨鱼重伤)


         3)模仿的意思是制作相似物品mean to make something so that it resembles an existing thing.首字母排序成MAIM Creativity损害创新<==模仿